Service overview
The sports scene in Jena is active, diverse and constantly growing. Organized sports can be practiced in 120 sports clubs and the nature in and around Jena invites individual sports activities. The city of Jena sees itself as an institution that supports its citizens' need for sport and exercise. Be it through attractive and modern sports facilities run by the city's own municipal real estate company Kommunale Immobilien Jena (KIJ), a strategic improvement of the framework conditions for sports activities by the Sports Department of Department 2 or through targeted sports promotion and club advice by the City Sports Association.
The City of Jena is a service and interface for all aspects of sport and a point of contact for all questions relating to the promotion of sport and physical activity in the community. The Sports Office sees itself as a service provider for sport in Jena. Its main tasks are to formulate the strategic guidelines in Jena and to support the sports clubs in their work. The range of tasks includes a variety of measures to promote popular and competitive sports, the provision of sports facilities and grants to sports clubs.
Sports promotion
The City of Jena's sports funding guidelines form the basis for supporting the work of sports clubs. The task of municipal sports funding is to ensure a qualified and differentiated range of sports activities in Jena that are accessible to all citizens.
Within the sports funding guidelines, a distinction is made between five types of funding:
- Institutional funding
- Project funding
- Flat-rate funding
- Funding for the use of sports facilities
- Promotion of junior competitive sport
Please note that institutional funding must be applied for via the City of Jena's funding portal.
All other funding is issued by the Stadtsportbund Jena e. V. (Jena Municipal Sports Association).
Sports facilities
From Aikido to Zumba - almost all sports can be practiced on and in the city's sports facilities. The sports halls and sports fields are allocated by the city's own company KIJ.
A total of five outdoor facilities are leased to clubs. The respective facility must be booked via the leaseholder. These include the West sports ground (InWest e. V.), the Zwätzen sports facility (SV Jena Zwätzen), the sports facility with field hockey pitch in Lobeda West (SSC Jena), the tennis courts in Lobeda East (ETC Victoria) and the Göschwitz sports ground (fuß brothers).
In addition, the University Sports Club Jena e. V. (USV Jena) provides its own sports facilities.